Bus Door Systems

Poličské strojírny a.s. manufactures and delivers pneumatic systems under the MPS brand – components and systems for the pneumatic control of doors of buses and other public transport vehicles.

We focus mainly on the delivery of control blocks, pneumatic door controls, emergency door opening valves, door locks and complete kinematic accessories for renowned manufacturers such as:Libchavy s.r.o., FAIVELEY TRANSPORT CZECH a.s. Plzeň, IVECO FRANCE Francie, OY TAMWARE AB Finsko, TROLIGA BUS Nový Jičín/Levoča, etc. By continuously innovating our products and introducing additional products and equipment for vehicle door systems, we stay on top of key trends in the industry.


We present you with an overview of door systems, supplemented by a new way of placing the control in the upper part, which has thus completed a number of pneumatic door systems.


  • To see requested catalogues please refer to any contacts mentioned below

Pneumatické válce OD a příslušenství

Pneumatic rotary cylinders with lift (OD) and accessories


Pneumatické válce OK a příslušenství

Pneumatic rotary cylinders (OK) and accessories


Pneumatické ventilové bloky

Pneumatic control block


Pneumatické nouzové ventily

Pneumatic emerency valves


Zajištění křídel a dveří

Door lock


Kinematika přislušenství

Kinematic accessories


  • To see requested catalogues please refer to any contacts mentioned below


Tel.: +420 461 751 537 – Ing. Miroslav Votava

Tel.: +420 461 751 534 – Bohuslav Jílek – SERVIS

Fax: +420 461 751 575

E-mail: mps@pos.cz